Friday, June 26, 2009

Brace and Resque night

Brace practice and resques

Be ready to get wet as you learn how far over you can take your boat and still get it back up with a brace stroke. Will work on Low and High brace.
This is the place to start learning your Roll. I belive that you cannot have a roll untill you learn a good brace. A good high brace is the last half of a roll.
Resques will be needed because you should push your limit to see what you can do with a brace, and sometimes you will pust to far.
To push to far is GREAT!!!!!! It lets you know your limits, and what you need to work on to improve.
A good brace stroke builds confidence in your paddling ability.

This is a "mentoring" type event where more experienced paddlers will help teach others.

Contact: Craig

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